Staying Safe in Portland Restaurants
Dear Patrons of The 1905:
In an effort to do our part to limit the spread of COVID-19, along with our colleagues at many other restaurants and performance venues, on Wednesday, August 11th, we will begin requiring proof of COVID vaccination (or proof of a negative COVID test within the last 72 hours) for indoor seating. This is for the protection of all of our guests, performers, and staff.
To be seated indoors, please bring your vaccination card (or a photo of the front and back) or negative test results, along with state- or school-issued ID. Seating on the patio does not require proof of COVID vaccination or negative test.
Regardless of vaccination/test status, we will require that you wear your mask, except when actively eating or drinking.
We genuinely thank you for doing your part to keep our staff, performers, and patrons as safe as possible while helping to ensure that we can continue to present world-class jazz music.
Aaron Barnes & The 1905
Partnering with the Kareem Kandi World Orchestra
At The 1905, we are grateful for the relationships we have made with Portland’s jazz community. Before the pandemic, we were thrilled to have provided the stage, cocktails, and pizza to support the musicians, their work, and their fans. We are excited to return to seven nights per week of some of the best music Portland has to offer. We have some big plans and are excited for our newest partnership: The Kareem Kandi World Orchestra.
Like The 1905, The Kareem Kandi World Orchestra shares our values in bolstering the Jazz community across the country:
The Kareem Kandi World Orchestra exists to create and sustain cultural exchanges by collaborating, educating, and performing through jazz and is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing high quality performances and music education to communities around the globe. Through the use of concerts, workshops, composing, recording, and cultural exchanges, the Kareem Kandi World Orchestra brings people together through the broad scope of music and the jazz art form.
The alignment of their vision and ours has allowed for an excellent, mutually-beneficial opportunity to raise funds for:
• Live music
• Jazz education & outreach
• Venue enhancements (stage, lights, sound, etc.)
Use the box below and make a contribution today or scan our QR code!

TAX ID: 81-3965821